Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lecturer OR food microbiologist??

As my tiltle stated, which path should i choose?? A lecturer or a food microbiologist? Wanted to be a lecturer since i started this course, i m being inspired by one of my lectures. If i really become a lecturer i wish i can go back to ITE and teach appiled food science. However, when i was scrolling down the page of TP's food science i saw a carrer path. That is to become a food microbiologist, which i m very interested in this. So, i m quite confuse now whether which carrer should i take and which one is more suitable for me??? THINKING IN PROCESS.....


  1. Jiayous Grace !(:
    Hope you choose a carrer you like to !

  2. Maybe y'shld think through which one will y'succeed more in the future. If ITE lacks of lecturer, maybe it's good to apply as one. However, if microbiologist can earn more, why not? that's my opinion lah..LOL
